3 Marketing Opportunities for Natural & Organic Beauty

the natural & Organic beauty consumer (Part quarte):3 Marketing Opportunities

GCI's four-part series on consumer habits for natural and organic beauty and personal care (NOBPC) covered how this market niche holds space with well-informed consumers segmented by gender and generation, what motivates NOBPC consumers in each segment, and what products and changes they want see.

The final part wraps this series up in a tight little bow, imparting information about three NOBPC marketing opportunities - product & packaging, wellness, and ingestibles. Consumers are well informed before they begin shopping for anything. So slapping a disingenuous label, leaf, and logo might get a brand exposure, but not in a good way.

1. The Packaged Product

According to 2018 PinkReport participants, buyers and non-buyers of NOBPC products expect to see specific product descriptions and certifications displayed on the label. The following specifics ranked highest in their responses - from the greatest importance to the least:

- Key ingredient prominently stated (i.e. Argon Oil)

- Certification logos (Certified USDA Organic)

- Botanical/floral/nature-inspired design

- Keywords: Clean, green, sourced from nature, plant-derived, biomineral

- Clean, crisp packaging (lots of white space)

- Clearly-stated benefits

-"Natural" sounding brand name

- Simplicity

- The color green for packaging or lettering

2. The New Face of Wellness.

It use to mean simply that you're not sick. Today's face of wellness encompasses a myriad of categorical definitions, embracing a holistic state of being: mind, body, soul, spirit. Self care is a wellness term still morphing, becoming more individualized and less a short list of narrowly defined me-time activities.

Terms like natural, organic, ingestibles, field-to-face skin and body care, and bucket list vacations are being born into the wellness family and branching out into other markets in hopes of capturing a broader range of consumers who embrace the new "wellness" normal.

So who's buying into the new wellness? NOBPC consumers top the list. The report findings give the example of 55% of these consumers purchased natural and organic essential oils compared to 33% of non-natural consumers in the past six months.

Three quarters of women surveyed said they choose wellness products because of their perceived benefits, promising to improve their overall health and well-being. A movement toward wellness products is growing at a rapid pace as consumers look for more natural ways, like nutriceuticals, to address their specific health concerns. Top motivators are increasing and maintaining energy (54%), skin care issues (52%), digestion and gut healthy (48%), and cold/allergies (40%).

3. Ingestibles

Eighty-four percent of survey respondents believe ingestibles should have natural and organic ingredients. Sixty percent believe ingestibles are more beneficial than topical wellness products.

Survey respondents rated the importance of various supplement attributes on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the most important. Here are the survey findings of attributes falling between 4 and 5 in ranked importance:

- Price (78%)

- Medication interference (78%)

- Sold at trustworthy stores and sites (77%)

- Social proof (77%)

- Taste (73%)

- Supporting research on benefits (72%)

- Trusted/recognized brand (66%)

- Natural or organic ingredients (55%)

- Doctor recommended (49%)

- Gluten free (18%)

- Vegan (13%)

Ingestibles objections. Fifty-one percent of survey respondents who used wellness and nutriceuticals products stopped because they didn't see any evidence they work, and the expense was too great to continue.

Ingestibles have an uphill battle to get into the hearts and minds of consumers. Objections such as price, education, and efficacy make it challenging for marketers to gain consumer buy-in, and these hurdles must be cleared before this niche market can secure its space.

See full article here: Global Cosmetics, Inc.

SEo Keywords 101: How to Help your Website pages rank high on search engines

We just want to build relationships with our customers and clients, and serve them by solving their problems and keep them happy and loyal, right?

Marketing is a metaphysical dilemma as uncomfortable as those cute pants you thought you could finally fit, but as the day drags on, they start cutting off blood supply to your upper body, and you're so annoyed you want to rip them off right in front of everybody and throw them in the trash. You'll feel relief, but now you have a bigger problem! Like those annoying, uncomfortable pants, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keywords can be stressful and uncomfortable to deal with, but they serve a real, necessary purpose. It's a relief to decide to chuck them and move on, but your audience may not find you...and that's a bigger problem.

Once you understand the basics, it's not so daunting, and the more you practice using SEO keywords, the more "comfortable" it becomes.

Why SEO Keywords Work

Google specifically processes more than 63, 000 searches per second, and as your competition closes rank, you drown in the world wide web sea.

Keywords are one of your best allies! They help you get found organically on search engines - like the almighty powerful Google. Simply stated, search engines match words phrases your target audience types in the query with the industry-specific words and phrases on your website pages, so you can be found. Keywords, used appropriately, can help you rank higher in an organic search.

How to Find the Right Keywords

> Make a list of industry-specific keyword phrases (25 to infinity) your audience might type to find your website (long-tail keywords are more specific and help you target your audience).

> Type your list of keyword phrases into a free research tool (click here for a great list of options). Choose phrases for each page of your site and see which ones are the most popular for each of your pages. This way they get individual optimization on search engines.

> Integrate the most popular and appropriate long-tail keyword phrases into your pages, social media, blogs, and newsletters in a way that's organic and natural to readers.

> Add keyword phrases into your URL, meta descriptions, and page titles. If you're a local business, be sure to work the info into these elements.

5 Basic SEO Best Practices

1. Don't stuff your space! You want to write for your readers first. Keyword stuffing exhausts your readers and they won't stick around. Not to mention Google's algorithm will crawl right past your website. One school of thought for keywords is for every 100 words on a page, your "keyword density" should be between 3 and 11 percent.

2. Add links to relevant posts and pages within your website - landing pages, blogs, newsletters, and offerings.

3. Add external links to relevant beauty, grooming, spa, or personal care info on other websites or companies with which you have a partnership. By the way that's a thing! Check out this ever-increasing business practice here.

4. Refresh your keywords at least once per month. Be sure you're "up" on the latest keyword queries. (time-consuming...I know).

5. Google loves it when you add fresh, original content. Posting website blogs 1-2 times per week is great, but two postings per month may be a more realistic goal for you. Google rewards you when you keep it fresh, and regular posting improves your ranking.

2018 Woody Scents Ebook: Essential Oils, Extracts and Perfumes

No scent is sexier than a woodsy, earthy scent. So much so that Skin, Inc. released a ultimate guide on Patchouli oils and extracts, Petitgrain oils, Cedarwood perfume, and the progress of the essential oils market - including a comprehensive list of oils and aromatic chemicals.

Download this ebook sponsored by Berje' and enjoy!

Stay up for the next issue of THE BEAU-tea.