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Now We Want Glass Skin?

Glass Skin

Now want glass skin?

When you see an entertainer with flawless hair, makeup, body, and skin saunter onscreen as you sit on your sofa...legs propped up in your college sweats with the hole in the crotch, lips smothered in popcorn do you feel? Envy, hate, regret? Do you do a quick Google search for his or her human errors so you feel okay about yourself again?

If you're like most of us, your reaction isn't "trollish", but it's not your best moment. Perfection is hard on our confidence. It's an unattainable enigma leading to tears and large bottles of wine. Perfection is an illusion...the appearance of evil.

Now we want our skin as smooth as glass. We haven't had skin that flawless since we were five! But the health and beauty industry is finding ways to fill this demand with potent formulas, precise skin care routines, and dramatic lifestyle changes. A new skin-enhancing cosmetic tool has emerged. Super reflective highlighters to achieve yet a new level of flawless skin.

Highlighters comprise more than 94% of new products launched in the makeup category between 2015 and 2017 (Mintel).

K-beauty, always cutting-edge in creative packaging, textures, and highly effective ingredients, interrupted things yet again...formulation to help us get what we all want - "translucent, smooth and dewy [skin]...with a strikingly glowing complexion." (C&T)

K-beauty introduces supercharged highlighting products to illuminate and sculpt the face. They're formulated with ultra bright pigments attracting extra light and casting it to targeted areas of the face - eyebrow arch, nose bridge, lip’s bow and cheekbones - creating iridescent, glowing skin.

These highlighters are so effective the end result is youthful, glowing, and highly moisturized skin. The secret is the development of a new peptide, called Crystallin. It behaves as a bio (natural) highlighter - a makeup alternative to help achieve the appearance of flawless skin naturally.

How's that for perfection?!

Why you need a blog hosted on our website

Picture of the word Blog

Blogging is the 5th most trusted source for reputable online information.

Businesses using high-quality blogging as part of their marketing strategy get 67% more leads than business NOT using blogging.

According to Tech Client, a business has a 434% greater chance of ranking high on search engines when featuring a blog on its website. Take a look at this easy-to-read infographic illustrating the benefits, statistics, and evolution of blogging.

Communicate what separates you from your competitors as the go-to authority.

You've probably heard it said content is king. I'll add that SEO is the king's crown. Throwing up articles not optimized for search engines and no plan to get it in front of your audience can work against increasing brand awareness.

Comprehensive content - the meat and potatoes of a subject - performs far better for search engines than blogs that just skim the surface. Google loves it when you dig deeper and post VALUE.

Communicate what separates you from your competitors as the go-to authority. Earn your audience's trust so they learn to like you, even.

Blogging gives you permission to draw outside the a difference-maker. Your audience wants valuable, transparent messaging. You have something wonderful to share it!

Great content leads to...well...great leads.

7 steps to landing a celebrity ambassador

Landing a celebrity ambassador is probably the holy grail of marketing for beauty

Picture of Rodeo Drive

brands. Unlike an influencer, a celebrity ambassador is the recognizable face of your brand. It can rocketship brand awareness and break the code to making lots of money.

So how do you secure the mother of all endorsements...the celebrity ambassador?

1) Seeding

Gifting your intended celeb with your products or your vendors' products is a great way to salt the oats. You may even get a social shout-out, which is like gold. You can leverage this for marketing and PR.

2) Find common ground

Pitch to your prospective celebrity ambassador why she is the choice to represent your brand. Doing some homework will help you discover commonalities and you'll discover why your products or services are the perfect fit.

3) Opportunities for exposure

When you know of a celebrity using your products or services, utilize the opportunity to get media coverage. It's a win-win for your brand and the ambassador in the publicity department.

4) It's for a good cause

Research can dig up community organizations with which celebrities are aligned. If you've got your eyes on a particular celebrity, you can connect with the organization she supports and use that as a resource to make a connection.

5) Growth Potential

Partnering with a new promising celebrity may guarantee you a lifelong loyalist. As his career grows, your brand awareness grows.

6) Get in on the inner circle

You know the saying, birds of a feather...?

Once you've developed a relationship with your celebrity super fan, you can encourage him to share with his friends so you develop a cult following.

7) Keep trying

Follow up on your requests, but be careful not to be pushy. If you don't succeed, try contacting another celebrity until you're successful.

Read full article here: Skin, Inc.

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